Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Transform.. =P

Innocent look leh.. Haa..
Mi in Mummy's favourite panda bodysuit.. =P
Posing quietly for mummy's photoshoot session..

Saw that? I got my hair wo.. Haa
No la.. Where got so fast.. is my new hat..
My nanny auntie got mi this wo.. So nice of her.. =)
Hee.. Mummy is laughing non-stop that dae after she saw this..
Everyone passing by mi stared at Mi.. * Make Mi & Daddy So Paisei *
Cos Daddy is hugging Mi on that dae home home..

Monster Coming....

Here come the Monster DADDY..
Haa.. Cannot help it but to laugh out loud.. So Happy Mi..
You heard that? Mummy oso laughing at Monster Daddy..
* Mummy is actually laughing at Mi.. Paisei la.. *

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My New Look.. =P

* Show off * .. Hee..
See the pretty hairclip on my head??
All are done by Mummy..
Haa.. i got tons of clips for every outfits.. =P

Botak liao.. Trimmed my hair for a new look..
The hairdresser was so scared of mi during the trim..
All becos' i am crying non-stop.. *scared ma.. =)

Haa.. I loved my ah-Ma so much..
See she so sayang mi? She got a special 'rocker' for mi..
* The Osim Rocker *.. Muacks..

I am the HipHop Gal.. =D
Look at my new look with the beany hat.. Cool leh..

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Sound-Effect Daddy

Video taken by Mummy when Daddy is playing with mi..
Haa.. I got a funny Daddy who can make different sound effects..
* Next time shall ask him for all sorts of animal sounds * =P

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I Am FOUR Mth Old..

I am already four mth old.. Yeye..
Am able to do stunt for my Daddy & Mummy..
* see see *... Haa.. =P Stunt on my new carpet..
Furthermore i can communicate very well with
my ah-ma & my ah-yi le.. Now Ah-yi knows i wanna
a Hermes Bag.. Haa..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Magic Carpet..

Hee.. Daddy & Mummy took out my " MAGIC CARPET "..
Too bad it can't fly to the zoo with mi on it..
Thus i took my very first photo with the zebra at home.. =p
And of course not to forget that miss little flower beside O..