Friday, November 30, 2012

BIG Playground

Time to explore the bigger indoor playground..
Woo... School closed todae, thus PaPa & MaMa brought mi here..
Fidget @ Turf city... Nice..

Look at MI..
Going through the unbalance bridge..
Must have skill wo..
wahaha.. =P
So many balls balls.. 
A huge pool of colored balls.. 
Sleeping in the pool of them.. 
Hehe.. is so fun.. =D
Tunnels after tunnels..
Am having fun everywhere i go.. 
So many things to play with..
In total, we spent 3 hours there..
MaMa has been climbing here and there with mi.. =P

Monday, November 26, 2012

Our PaPa - Now & Then

This is taken when DiDi is just One month old..
Wahaha.. So many months back then..

This is what we have for the latest addition..
Wow.. DiDi has grown..
Heavy Leh.. See PaPa's facial expression..
Wahaha.. But where is MaMa?
She is always the photographer loh.. =D


* We Drink Milk Together *
Is Milk Milk Time.. Wahaha..
Cute leh??
MaMa managed to capture this wonderful moment..
When we drink milk together in the early morning.. =D

* We Play Together *
Playing happily in the early afternoon..
Zoom....... Off we go in the truck.. =P

* We Wake Up Together *
Such a wonderful moment in the early morning..
We wake up.. We hug our bear bear.. We take photos..
Haaaa... =P

Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Fun.. New Challenge - Durian

Is weekends again..
Wanna Play with DiDi..
He is so happy with the toys he has..
Wahaha.. My Playful DiDi..
Wow.. Improvement..
I tasted Durian when i am aged 1+..
DiDi tasted Durian when he is just aged less than 1
Some things just have to start at young age.. Hehe..

Cheeky Mi

Wahaha.. Even when DiDi is sleeping..
I can still ' disturb ' him..
Let mi show you the different ways to Pat Pat.. =D

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our Lifes

Hehe.. Is our new toys from MaMa..
Elmo for Mi.. Cookie Monster for DiDi..
MaMa always told us.. " Share the toys ".. =)
Everyone knows.. I am the Smiley Baby..
The happy buddha.. Wahaha.. =P
Wearing a baseball clothing..
But am i holding a baseball? No leh..
Wahaha.. Is a red rubber ball..
* Having fun at AhMa's hse *
Driving.. Am the driver for the day..
So where do you want to go?
Just tell me.. Hehe.. =D
Rocks to n fro.. Rocks left n right..
Wahaha.. Am having Chocolates..
With my mouth full.. =)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Steps of Washing The Car Rag

Wahaha... This is how i wash the rag before i wiped car..
Rub the rag in the bucket of water..
Twist dry the rag..
Spread out the rag on my hand..
Wipe the car car loh... =D

Friday, November 16, 2012

Early X'Mas

Wahaha... X'Mas came Early for mi..
Saw the cute hairband MaMa brings out to deco the hse..
Wanna wear it to NTUC to do my 'fishball' shopping..
Hehe.. =D

Thursday, November 15, 2012

DiDi is Teething Again..

Is teething time again..
DiDi is not a very good boy O..
Whenever he is teething.. he will wanna bite ppl..
Naughty leh..
Mummy kenna biten many times whenever DiDi lay down on her tummy..
Wahaha.. =P

Friday, November 2, 2012

I Love Dancing..

Wahaha.. Trying to get DiDi's attention..
To see how i dance..
But he is too concentrated on the bottle..
Nevermind.. I dance myself.. Wahaha..

See how i dance.. La La La.. =D

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bath Bath

Almost all babies like to bath & play with the water..
Wahaha.. So that goes the same for DiDi.. =D

Encounter With The Beezz

Wahaha.. The Bee Bee..
Sometimes 2 yrs back.. Am oso playing with the same bee pen..
Now, is DiDi's turn..
Lets see what DiDi did.. =P