Sunday, June 30, 2013


All time favourite..
Look @ my lovely hair tie..
* Am Loving It *

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The dae we are TOGETHER

Is a normal lazy saturday morning..
Nothing to do.. So we are starting to play with the iPad when MaMa got this shot..
Wahaha.. As usual, she will add in caption to spice up the picture.. =D

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bad Haze

Is a stay home / halfday from school..
As the haze is too heavy.. & smoky..

Ever 1st experience wearing a mask..
To get away from the haze dae.. =(

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

DiDi's 2nd Shoes

DiDi is growing fast..
He outgrown his 1st shoes at 16th Mth..
Wow... so MaMa got him a 2nd shoes very soon.. =)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy AhGong's Day

Is Sunday.. Of course we are back to AhMa's hse..
With a cake to celebrate with AhGong..
" Happy AhGong's Dae " aka " Happy Father's Dae "

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy PaPa's Day 2013

 Is PaPa's Day 2013..
On PaPa's eve, we went to our favourite place of makan..
AhYat Abalone Restaurant..
Of course to eat lived seafood again..
Drunken Prawns, Sambal LaLa & Garlic Bamboo Clams..
* Yummy *
 Is kiddy rides once again..
Cutey Airplane & Cutey friend of mine..
Wahaa... =)
On the actual PaPa's day, we went to the new place 'AmBush'
to have some nice mussels & sausages..
* Nice & Juicy *
 Wahaha.. Must have..
A portrait of PaPa with the crown i did for him..
* No. 1 Dad *
The Power of a Happy Family..
Must have a good PaPa as well as a good MaMa..
Wahaha... =D

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Out For Fun

Is Time for Indoor Playground..
Is alot fun today, as PaPa is the one climbing up and down with Mi & DiDi..
As usual, MaMa is the photographer.. Wahaha..

Monday, June 10, 2013


Look who we have here..
Is 2 cutie hawkers.. on their tricycle to work..

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Power DiDi Power Tooth

DiDi got power energy...
He can have 4 or more teeth growing at the same time..
But always having fever due to tat.. Or.. Over-heatness..
Actually many many more..
Should be 8 tooth growing at once..

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Where is the missing Cherry on the cake?
Is with me.. wahaha...=D
Yummy but exp cakes..

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Princess & Prince Day Out

What makes the girl and the boy so happy?
Of course is ICE CREAM..
Everyone favourite dessert.
Having fun with the available seats in the mall..
The correct way to sit..

Another seat in the mall..
A royal BIG arm chair.. =D

MaMa's Mine.. Shoes

To recall.. This is our 1st Pair..

Next now.. We have our 2nd Pair..
Wahaha.. Identical Pair of shoes.. =D