Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Celebration ( Part 2 )

Wow.. Is time to feast again..
We are having streamboat at AhMa's house..
Nice nice de ingredients, nice nice de logcake..
Yummy Yummy feast to end 2010, welcome 2011.. =)

Chick Chick..

Chick chick chick.. Where is my chick?
Haha.. Either behind Mi or infront of Mi..
So many shots of my cute chick and Mi..
Is a cute toy Daddy & Mummy got for mi..
I'm Loving it.. Muacks.. =D

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dec Gifts..

Is a wonderful xmas.. With Gucci Gifts..
My lovely Daddy & Mummy got each other a gift from Gucci..
Daddy got his new keychain.. Mummy got her new card holder..
Hehe.. My Gucci Shoes are from AhYi & AhGu beginning of this year.. =P

* The shoes are added in to complete the Gucci Collection of the Beez Family *
* Hmm.. But actually hor, Mummy got much more Gucci not taken pics of la.. Haha*

Baby Santarina =)

Is Xmas Time.. My first Xmas.. 2010.. Yeye..
Is a MUST to take photo with Xmas hat O..
So here i am posing for Mummy to take pics of Mi..
* Ho Ho Ho * =D

Nice nice wo..
Got so many wonderful presents from
Daddy & Mummy and their colleagues..

Been to so many xmas parties for my 1st xmas yr.. =P
I Love Xmas.. HoHoHo

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sushi Feast Again

Oops.. Why is it sushi again?
Cos my Daddy & Mummy love Jap food..
They met each other while working in Jap restaurant de ma.. =P

It a nice nice dinner..
Daddy ordered alot new food to try..
He loves the tempura ice cream the most..
Hehe.. Mummy didnt post those pics..
Too funny to be seen by public.. =P

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mummy's BirthDae

Hehe.. Is Mummy's Birthdae.. & we are out for dinner..
Mummy Good life wo.. Not working that dae..
She went for facial in the morning, met ahYi for lunch
and then Sushi DInner with Daddy & mi..

No need to say.. is Daddy's treat of course..
Haha.. I got my share too.. *Wink*
Daddy is feeding me cucumber sushi roll.. Wahahaha =P

Early Christmas Celebration =)

Wow wow.. Xmas Feasting starts at the beginning of the month..
We went for marriott buffet with my dear ahMa, ahGong,
ahGU Hong, ahYi Li, ahYiZhang Jus & Prince Jonas..
So many things to eat wo..

I am so engrossed with my bread wo.. Eating non-stop.. Hehe..
Nice nice white bread that have.. Free flow O.. =P

A must have thingy to do..
Of course must take pics with Daddy & Mummy la.. =)

Wow.. Am so happy that nite..
Seen so many nice nice xmas lightings..
Got to eat.. Got to see.. Got to touch..
I Love Xmas.. =P
* More Feasting Coming O *

Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Challenge..

Wahaha.. Guess what is that?
Yeye.. is Lemon..
Everything oso curious.. Everything oso wanna eat..
You want it.. You have it..
Wow....... * Sour * -_-!!!

I Am TEN Mth Old..

Wow.. I am now Ten Mth Old le..
For the past mths, Mummy got alot new thingy for mi..
Spoilted for choices.. From head to toes..
See See? I got new bag, new pillow, new experience
Is my 1st time on shopping trolley.. =P

Forgot to mention..
i had the 1st diaper change @ the road shoulder too.. Oops.. *shy*