Monday, December 6, 2010

Early Christmas Celebration =)

Wow wow.. Xmas Feasting starts at the beginning of the month..
We went for marriott buffet with my dear ahMa, ahGong,
ahGU Hong, ahYi Li, ahYiZhang Jus & Prince Jonas..
So many things to eat wo..

I am so engrossed with my bread wo.. Eating non-stop.. Hehe..
Nice nice white bread that have.. Free flow O.. =P

A must have thingy to do..
Of course must take pics with Daddy & Mummy la.. =)

Wow.. Am so happy that nite..
Seen so many nice nice xmas lightings..
Got to eat.. Got to see.. Got to touch..
I Love Xmas.. =P
* More Feasting Coming O *