Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shopping Time.. Eat / Toys

Weekends is for wat?
Is for feasting time..
Early morning, we went out for swensen breakfast..
Then we had lunch @ coffee club..
Yummy.. I had eggs, sausages & fries.. =D

Shopping time.. Window shopping..
Haha.. So many stuffs to see see look look..
I wanna walk walk myself.. Lalala

Where are we heading to?
Is Toys R'us..
Hee.. time to get my toys loh..
I wanna this.. i wanna that..
Hope i wish to get everything.. =P

Yummy Durians that AhMa bought..
Nice Nice.. Finished all 4 of them @ one shot..
I wanna more durains.. AhMa buy more..Wahaha..