Friday, February 16, 2018

Our CNY 2018

Our CNY started off with reunion dinner at AhMa's house..
Not to forget our yearly Lao Yu Sheng..
* Huat ah *
Our dress code for CNY day 1..
Blue theme.. =D
Off to AhMa's house..
Some smiley photos.. taken at AhMa's house.. =D
All the 5 of us.. Cousin gathering..
This is our full dress code for Day 1.. =)
MaMa and AhYi had grown taller this year..
* tip toed beside AhGu * Haa...
Wahaa.. just just pose around the television... =D
Yummy yummy food.. 
This is our full dress code for Day 2.. =)
Had a rest from house visiting..
Played at the playground... =D
Met up with some further yearly cousins..
Our CNY ended with another round of
Lao Yu Sheng.. =D

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