Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Celebration ( Part 2 )

Wow.. Is time to feast again..
We are having streamboat at AhMa's house..
Nice nice de ingredients, nice nice de logcake..
Yummy Yummy feast to end 2010, welcome 2011.. =)

Chick Chick..

Chick chick chick.. Where is my chick?
Haha.. Either behind Mi or infront of Mi..
So many shots of my cute chick and Mi..
Is a cute toy Daddy & Mummy got for mi..
I'm Loving it.. Muacks.. =D

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dec Gifts..

Is a wonderful xmas.. With Gucci Gifts..
My lovely Daddy & Mummy got each other a gift from Gucci..
Daddy got his new keychain.. Mummy got her new card holder..
Hehe.. My Gucci Shoes are from AhYi & AhGu beginning of this year.. =P

* The shoes are added in to complete the Gucci Collection of the Beez Family *
* Hmm.. But actually hor, Mummy got much more Gucci not taken pics of la.. Haha*

Baby Santarina =)

Is Xmas Time.. My first Xmas.. 2010.. Yeye..
Is a MUST to take photo with Xmas hat O..
So here i am posing for Mummy to take pics of Mi..
* Ho Ho Ho * =D

Nice nice wo..
Got so many wonderful presents from
Daddy & Mummy and their colleagues..

Been to so many xmas parties for my 1st xmas yr.. =P
I Love Xmas.. HoHoHo

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sushi Feast Again

Oops.. Why is it sushi again?
Cos my Daddy & Mummy love Jap food..
They met each other while working in Jap restaurant de ma.. =P

It a nice nice dinner..
Daddy ordered alot new food to try..
He loves the tempura ice cream the most..
Hehe.. Mummy didnt post those pics..
Too funny to be seen by public.. =P

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mummy's BirthDae

Hehe.. Is Mummy's Birthdae.. & we are out for dinner..
Mummy Good life wo.. Not working that dae..
She went for facial in the morning, met ahYi for lunch
and then Sushi DInner with Daddy & mi..

No need to say.. is Daddy's treat of course..
Haha.. I got my share too.. *Wink*
Daddy is feeding me cucumber sushi roll.. Wahahaha =P

Early Christmas Celebration =)

Wow wow.. Xmas Feasting starts at the beginning of the month..
We went for marriott buffet with my dear ahMa, ahGong,
ahGU Hong, ahYi Li, ahYiZhang Jus & Prince Jonas..
So many things to eat wo..

I am so engrossed with my bread wo.. Eating non-stop.. Hehe..
Nice nice white bread that have.. Free flow O.. =P

A must have thingy to do..
Of course must take pics with Daddy & Mummy la.. =)

Wow.. Am so happy that nite..
Seen so many nice nice xmas lightings..
Got to eat.. Got to see.. Got to touch..
I Love Xmas.. =P
* More Feasting Coming O *

Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Challenge..

Wahaha.. Guess what is that?
Yeye.. is Lemon..
Everything oso curious.. Everything oso wanna eat..
You want it.. You have it..
Wow....... * Sour * -_-!!!

I Am TEN Mth Old..

Wow.. I am now Ten Mth Old le..
For the past mths, Mummy got alot new thingy for mi..
Spoilted for choices.. From head to toes..
See See? I got new bag, new pillow, new experience
Is my 1st time on shopping trolley.. =P

Forgot to mention..
i had the 1st diaper change @ the road shoulder too.. Oops.. *shy*

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

'B' for B Items..

Oops... Another Bee AGAIN..
Yeye.. cos Mummy's nick is Bee Bee..
That explains Bee's Little Bee's Bee.. Lalala
Presenting my new Bee Bag.. =P
* AhYi oso got one Bee bag for Prince Jonas *

Hehe.. Another new item on the block..
My Bunny Pillow.. Shiok Shiok wo..
Been laying on it to drink milk milk..
Roll and kiss and bite it.. Oops..
* Mummy got a Dino Pillow for Prince Jonas as surprise gift too *

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Gucci Shoes

Wow.. Mi in Gucci Shoes..
Mummy put that on for mi to try try..
Has been keeping them on display since birth..
Haha.. Cant get my hands & eyes off it..
See video for more O!!.. =P

Even when crawling oso must take another look at it.. =P
Thanks my AhYi & AhGu for the wonderful baby gift when mi is born..

Friday, November 19, 2010

Kissing Act.. =P

Kiss Kiss Kiss.. So cute cute leh..
Daddy & Mummy is secretly laughing away behind the scene..
Daddy caught mi doing so the 1st time..
Then Mummy grabbed her camera to video it down.. =P
Haha.. Mi kissing my own reflection..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another New Tooth

Yeye.. New tooth.. New Tooth..
That means i can eat more goodies soon.. =P
Everything seems to taste so nice to mi.. * Drooling *

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Deepavali Weekend

Yeye.. Saturdae.. The dae out shopping..
The dae started with sets of swensen breakfast.. wow
Then we went Gap to get my stuffs.. but become baby dino with the cute cap..
Followed by a huge drinking session of orange flavoured F&N.. Haha
Last of all, i have my first ride in the shopping centre trolley seat..
Scare.. Must hold on..

WAIT.. must be wondering why there is a xmas deco ba??
Cos got time on that dae ma.. So Daddy & Mummy put up xmas deco le.. =P
** Christmas Deco On A Deepavali **

Is sundae.. Is the dae to my dearest Ah-ma's hse..
Hehe.. See prince jonas eating all the way??
So angry loh.. He dun wanna share the tibits with mi.. =(
Ah-yi& Mummy said next time then i can eat.. so sad..
.. I wanna EAT ..

Insect Theme.. =P

Wow.. Insect tees again..
The previous time is Mummy got mi Bee Bee & Ladybird..
This time round is Bee Bee & Butterfly.. Am loving it..
The tees are from my nanny's daughter
Cute leh? Feel so loved.. =)

Friday, November 5, 2010

I Am NINE Mth Old..

Hehe.. I am Nine mth old liao..
Daddy told Mummy he cannot believe i grow so fast..
The first moment he saw me is when he is beside Mummy in labour room..
He is there counting 1,2,3.. 10, 'Push' with Mummy
So fast.. Haha.. =P

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cheeky Smile + Ah Pa Entry..

* Show Off *.. Finally a proper " Ah-Pa " video..
Mummy managed to video mi calling Ah-Pa (Daddy)..
But hor.. the person infront of mi is Mummy leh..
Haha.. So Funny Hor? Oops.. =P

* Take Note of my cheeky smile to the dolphin O *
Lastly, am trying to grab Mummy's camera..
Tat explains the shake shake behind.. =)

Haha.. Another entry of ' Ah-Pa '..
Where is ' Ah-Ma ' entry leh??
Must wait patiently O.. =P

Attack of the Saliva Princess

Aiyo.. Everything oso taste so nice to Mi..
My Organic Cotton Ruffle Bag, my Playmat Rings.. & Mummy's Camera..
Haha.. * Saliva Drooling.. *

Hehe.. Tasting Time Again !!..
From Red-Yellow-Green-Yellow(Again)-Blue..
Aiya.. Missed out the Orange..
Shall try all again the next time.. =P

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lovely Us =)

Hehe.. That is Mi.. Crawling on the bed..
Am so happy to be rolling ard.. La la la..
Daddy & Mummy are busy taking pic of mi in my polo dress..
Haha.. If you are guessing..
Yup, U'r right wo.. The dress is from US again.. =P

Nice Nice wo.. I love these photos..
We are a happy family.. Hehe.. =P

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Round & Round

Hee.. My new stunt..
180 degree or 360 degree merry go round..
Depends on my mood.. =P

Chase . Chase . Chase

Naughty Mummy.. Took away my toy..
Made mi chased after it.. =P
Just cos she wanna take video of mi Crawling..

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

More Bees Attack..

Hee.. Bee's Little Bee's Bee..
Wow.. surrounded by so many bees in my life.. Haa..
Got big bee, got small bee.. Lalala..
More bees on the way wo.. Haa.. We shall see then.. =)

Who's The Winner?

The fight between the bee and the princess..

* Start Fight * Who will win leh? Let's see..

Thursday, October 7, 2010

When i am bored..

Something new O..
Video of how i looked when i am Bored!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct Achievement.. =P

Lalala.. Now i can say ' Pa Pa Pa.. Ah Pa.. Pa Pa Pa.. ' Haa..
So my next move will be to practice ' Ma Ma Ma.. Ah Ma.. Ma Ma Ma..' Wahahaha..
Mummy said i seems to be practising korean cos i called Daddy " Ah-Pa " (In korean)
So funny.. Haa

That nite before sleep, Mummy saw 2 little grey white thingy..
Oops.. what is that wo?
It is MY 1ST TOOTH..
I finally had my 1st two front teeth.. Yeye..
* Can starts to bite ppl liao *

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Am EIGHT Mth Old..

Wow.. Mi eight mths old liao wo..
See how many new toys i have up till now..
Celebrated my first lantern festival, eat mooncakes.. Haa
Daddy & Mummy nice nice to mi O..
Cos i am Princess Veron.. =P

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cutie HeadRest

Haa.. New thingy again!!
Mummy and Ahyi buy things together again.
See see.. my new panda headrest.. So cute..
When Mummy asked Daddy to guess which she got for mi..
He got it right the very first time.. Wow..
Daddy sure knows what Mummy is thinking.. =)

Hee.. The prince Jonas got a mouse headrest.. So cute too..
A special orange mouse instead of a normal grey one..

Haa.. So what is going to be the next thingy Mummy and Ahyi got together leh?
Lets just stay tune.. * More to come Oh * =P

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lantern Festival.. =)

Y got 3 leh? Cos is 3 lanterns for just 10bucks..
Thus Mummy got 2 for my handsome cousin..
The doraemon and spongebob is for Jonas.. =P
Without guessing, mine is the pink rabbit on the left..
* Hop Hop.. Rabbit hop hop.. *

Daddy and Mummy brings mi lantern taking liao wo..
Everydae to n fro ah-ma's house for dinner,
mi took my cutie rabbit lantern out for a stroll..

Haa.. Ah-ma got mi a new wig.. New Hairstyle.. =P
* Cant help holding on to my wig.. *
Daddy & Mummy got ah-ma a box of 8 pieces
of snowskin mooncakes.. peanut butter jelly, calamansi cheese,
white lotus seed paste with egg and chocolate brownie with whisky praline
Yummy wo.. Mummy ate alot..

* Show off *
Pose pose pose..
Yeye.. This is mi with my pink rabbit lantern..
Hmm.. What is my next year lantern going to look like leh? =P

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My New Stuffs.. =P

Haa.. Presenting my new clothing again.. Dun need to say, is fly direct all the way from US again.. Oops.. * I love Daddy .. Daddy Loves Me.. I Love Mummy.. Mummy Loves Me.. * Oops.. Another new cutie grey little flowers dress from US again.. Haa.. Yiyi got me many many nice nice clothings.. =P See that i am being tied up? Am not kinda punished O.. I am in my highchair.. =) For safety, so must obey the rule.. * Please fasten your seat belt * Hippo.. Hippo.. Loving It.. Loving the Hippo's EARS.. Haa.. Must take note of the do and dont.. =P

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bags Collection

Hee.. My New Toy.. ' Mummy's coach wristlet '
I touched it, bite it, drool on it.. =P
It has become my bag liao.. Haa.. Got my smell now le..
Yiyi gng to say i started too early on my bags collection.. =)
Next on the queue.. Shoes collection.. * After my 1st gucci shoes *

My Milk Milk

Daddy & Mummy said i am Guai..
Y leh? * Paisei la *.. Cos i can take my own milk bottle le..
But leh.. Sometimes only la.. Very heavy wo.. =P
Haa.. See the last part, mi cannot ta han till i tossed it off..

Friday, September 10, 2010

Good Fridae With The Prince.. =P

Hee.. Had a wonderful Good Fridae holi at yiyi's hse..
Played whole dae with prince jonas.. Haa.. =P
Ah-Ma made special dish - Men Zhu Jiao.. Yummy..
* I can only see and drool for now * =(

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Am SEVEN Mth Old..

It's MI again.. I am seven mths old le.. =P
Mi got new clothings again.. hee..
Every mth i have new stunts too..
This time round, i have a new posing pattern.. =D

Friday, August 27, 2010

Close Up Of Sweety Pie...

Loving this oshkosh b'gosh elephant from my Yiyi.. =)
Loving it from head to toe..
Especially the TAIL.. Oops..
This is the piece of evidence that Mummy had..

My new red stripes bodysuit from US.. once again..
My Yiyi always laughed saying that all my clothes
are imported-brand.. Haa..

My new pose now.. Laying on one side..
* There!! You've got Mi *

Close up shots.. These are what Mummy loves..
Loving my brown colored eyes.. Haa..

My new toy!!.. A live rocking horse.. Piggy ride..
That is no one other than my Daddy..
Oops.. Saliva on his hair.. Hee.. =P

Prefect combination..
My red stripes bodysuit with my red stripes beanie hat..
Hee.. Seems like Chinese New Year is here leh.. =)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Melon Melon.. I Love U..

Melon Melon.. Daddy & Mummy gave mi melon..
Haa.. Nice nice.. So sweet.. =P
Specially selected by my ah-ma..
I'm Loving It.. Hee

Monday, August 9, 2010

Daddy & Mummy's Marriage Vow Renewal.. WOW

Hee.. So Meaningful.. =P
Daddy & Mummy took the Marriage Vow Renewal
this year 2010 -- the year i am borned in..

Today, I as your spouse, renew my commitment made to you.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for being
my partner, my best friend and my lover.
In token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love,
I promise to love you for as long as we both shall live.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Am SIX Mth Old..

So fast leh.. Mi already six mths old le..
I know how to flip.. i know how to laugh out loud..
Daddy & Mummy sayang mi every nite.. I am a happy baby.. =P
Next i wanna play catching leh.. * Jiayou.. Haa

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bugs Attack.. =D

Hee.. So what will happened when ladybird and bee meets??
There will be a garden full of laughter.. =)
Laughter from Mi of course.. Haa..
Loving my ladybird and bee bee bodysuits..
Haa.. All the way from US again.. Oops..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cousin Jonas's 2nd Birthdae Celebration

Todae is a pre-celebration for my cousin's 2nd birthdae..
We all had a great dae..
Everything started from a feast full of dim sum..
Nice Nice O.. See!! He got so much expressions..
So happy ma.. Birthdae boy ma.. =P

We moved on to yiyi's hse in the afternoon.. Wow..
The birthdae boy having fun at the playground..
Full of sweat & bubbles.. Smelly smelly O..
* Mummy got him the bubbles blowing gun to play with *

Table full of food once again.. Haa..
Is for our dinner.. Got fried prawn paste chicken,
satay, prawn mee, fried silverfish, fried dumplings..
many many more.. Hee.. Nice nice..

See see? That is the banner Mummy made for Jonas cousin.. Hee..
Birthdae must have birthdae cake ma.. * Is cake-cutting time.. *
YiZhang helping him to cut cut cake.. Where is yiyi? Photo-taking loh..
Haa.. Look at jonas, mouth full of cakes.. He really enjoy wo..
Smart boy.. Knows how to feed himself.. =P

Hee.. This is Mi.. On yiyi's bed..
For what leh? Haa.. For diaper changing loh.. =)
Happily posing for Mummy to take photo.. Haa

The party continues in the playgroup..
Yiyi - Jonas's mummy ordered elmo cake & cupcakes for his classmates..
Wow.. See how happy he is once again.. * Elmo Cake wo.. *